Welcome to Border Tales

In the oldest stories good ultimately triumphs over evil. Fables of witches and faeries taught us as much. Yet it’s a truth too often overlooked amidst our current difficulties.

With tales of foreign legionnaires rescuing damsels in distress, pirate radio disc jockeys braving the high seas and two girls vanquishing fear and exile as trail layers, Border Tales aims to celebrate the indomitable spirit of those who are truly great but may not know it.

Books on physical fitness and ancient spirituality help drive the search for the hero within. A plethora of articles and blog posts aim to build confidence, courage and good humour. This is a good world and getting better….

About the author

John Musgrave grew up in the north of England. After several years abroad – working construction in Germany, farming in Israel and soldiering in France – he returned to London, England and worked as a labourer, bouncer and barman before becoming a freelance journalist and PR agent. As an industrial editor he ran a national trade magazine.

His first book, a collection of short stories set in the Foreign Legion, Soldiers of the Heart, was published by Border Tales in 2019. Radio A-Go-Go, his first novel, is based on the pirate radio stations that formed a major part of many lives including his own. Set in County Durham and on the rolling deeps of the North Sea off Yorkshire, Radio A-Go-Go tells the story of the struggle to bring rock and roll to Britain. John lives quietly on the Welsh borders with his family.

From the Blog

Corsica Girl

'John Musgrave’s Corsica Girl is an engaging novel weaving themes of love and loss with the indomitable spirit of a

How I came to write a hunting novel

Corsican Lament Years ago, turning out industrial articles for transport and engineering magazines, I used to relax by writing short

The Fishermen of Jezreel

7 October 2024 “Eh, Yohnnie, you know the British Embassy in Tel Aviv has advised you must to leave," said

The Bed and Breakfast Man 

‘Verrücktheit….They’re called Verrücktheit….’ Can there be no more bizarre a memory of a two-year spell in a town near Stuttgart,

Recent Articles

Redundant at 50?

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‘What I’d really like to do this weekend is go down to Harwich Parkeston Quay and see this pirate radio

Teaser and the Firecat

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the release of the album, Teaser and the Firecat, home of one of

Bring Back British Rail

Last year saw the end of several railway franchise contracts. However late running trains will remain the norm while the

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